How to Fix Potassium Deficiency in Soil

How to Fix Potassium Deficiency in Plants and Soil

adminBlog, Soil Health

Modern industrial agriculture heavily depletes soil nutrient resources, including potassium (K). This declining soil fertility is the main cause of year-to-year variability of harvested yields. If we are to farm sustainably and produce food for future generations, we need to improve potassium management and potassium availability in soil. So, how do you fix potassium deficiency in plants and soil? In …

drought conditions

Look Who’s Dirty Now: Albrecht on ‘Man as The Great Contaminator’

Justin PlattBlog, Soil Health

“The soil is the ‘creative material’ of most of the basic needs of life. Creation starts with a handful of dust.” Dr William A. Albrecht Dr William Albrecht was a man ahead of his time. A good twenty years before the phrase ‘environmental concern’ crept into the USA’s national consciousness, Dr Albrecht was lecturing from coast to coast on the …